= the difficulty level of the track (more shoes means more difficult)
Class Tracks
This track is for anyone who wants to develop solid balboa and bal-swing fundamentals. No prior experience is necessary is necessary for this track and beginners are welcome. These classes will cover basic balboa technique and movements to get students on the dance floor immediately. If this is one’s first balboa experience, participants should plan to attend the first class before the dance on Friday evening.
Recommended levels: Beginner, Advanced Beginner
Tentative class size: 25 leaders, 25 followers
Slow Balboa 
This is a rare opportunity to spend an entire weekend studying Slow Balboa. This track is for all levels. Previous balboa experience is helpful, but not necessary Participants will also be able to choose from a variety of electives on Saturday and Sunday morning.
Recommended level: Any level!
Tentative class size: 40 leaders, 40 followers
The Social Dancer
This track will focus on connection and partnership. Dancers in this track have solid fundamentals and are ready to take their social dancing to the next step. Participants will also be able to choose from a variety of electives on Saturday and Sunday morning.
Recommended level: Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
Tentative class size: 50 leaders, 50 followers
Pure Balboa
Spend an entire weekend working on connection and footwork in pure balboa. This class is not for beginners. It is intended for balboa students with solid fundamentals. Participants will also be able to choose from a variety of electives on Saturday and Sunday morning. Read more about pure balboa here.
Recommended level: Intermediate, Intermediate-Advanced, Masters
Tentative class size: 40 leaders, 40 follows
The Classic course will delve into the rich and multicultural history of balboa and explore classic balboa patterns. Dancers will take inspiration from historical balboa dancers to develop their own unique style. Students will also be able to choose from a variety of electives on Saturday and Sunday morning.
Recommended level: Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Advanced, Masters
Tentative class size: 40 leaders, 40 followers
ELEF (Everybody Leads, Everybody Follows)
In this course, everyone will learn to lead and follow balboa. Participants should have a solid foundational knowledge of balboa in one role. Dancers will draw on their primary role to learn a new role. In addition, dancers will explore switch dancing in balboa. This track seeks to enable dancers to explore unique dimensions of balboa and bal-swing that can arise from understanding both the perspective of the follower and leader. This class will also spend time deconstructing some of the social constructs associated with each role to develop more fluid and fun social dancing. Students will also be able to choose from a variety of electives on Saturday and Sunday morning.
Recommended level: Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Advanced, Masters
Tentative class size: 80 people (40 couples)
The Competitor
This track will focus on performance and showmanship as well as partner and solo practice drills. This track is for advanced balboa dancers who are interested in learning to add more texture to their footwork, developing a personal style, and adding some pizzaz to their arsenal of moves. Students will also be able to choose from a variety of electives on Saturday and Sunday morning. Participants in this track are encouraged to sign up for weekend contests.
Recommended level: Intermediate/Advanced, Advanced, Masters
Tentative class size: 20 leaders, 20 followers